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A Massage

Will you rub my back she said as I walked into the room getting ready for bed. As tired as I was I was not up to it but decided to be the good sport and help her out.

It had been a long day for all of us and we all needed a little relaxation.

So I started rubbing her back over her shirt, half-assed hoping that she would just say forget it and let me get to sleep. But for some reason I was not feeling all that tired and started to feel a bit horny. Of course it does not take me long to get hard but I was trying to not turn this into anything sexual since most of the time if I push too fast she backs away.

I went on rubbing, this time a little better and more concentrated on her neck and shoulders. My hands began to pull her shirt slowly off the small of her back and I moved them under the fabric.

I heard her say, "don't get any ideas," but I was being very careful and just continued to massage.

My hands explored her back as I pulled her shirt up more and this time she did not offer much resistance. I was helping her to feel comfortable and she was allowing me to go further. I ran my hands slowly from her neck down her spine to the small of her back and circled back up to her neck. She loves it when I tickle the hair on her back, just softly caressing her.

Since we were both fairly relaxed I decided to take it one step further and slowly pull down her pajama bottoms. I revealed just enough to caress the top of her ass but not enough to make her uncomfortable. Although my hands were under the material and moving along her cheeks slowly moving up and down her back.

Feeling confident I pushed my hand a little further and parted her legs, she did not resist and opened up a little for me to move closer to her pussy. I teased a little more, bringing my fingers in contact with her labia but just briefly touching and moving back up to her shoulders.

After a few minutes of this, I decided it was time to pull her bottoms completely off, which she ended up helping me with. This exposed her completely and I started moving my hands from her thighs to her back each time briefly touching her pussy.

A moan escaped her lips as I paused a little longer between her legs. I could feel her wetness and knew she was ready for a finger. My fingers pushed softly against her labia and I pushed one finger in slowly. She pushed back slightly and I moved my fingers around and found her clit. I began to rub her clit as she raised her ass off the bed. Increasing my speed she matched my fingers with her hips until she was moaning out loud and grinding against my fingers.

'Don't stop,' she moaned. I pushed harder and faster into her with my one hand and rubbed her clit with my other. She shuddered and pushed back against my hand for one last thrust and then fell back onto the bed.

I stopped rubbing and moved back behind her. My dick was completely hard and ready to enter her from behind. I pulled my boxers down and slowly pushed my dick against her pussy. She moaned again as I entered her. Slowly I pushed it in and pulled it out, wanting to last as long as I could.

It did not take me long to start pushing hard against her, moving faster and faster as I grabbed her hips. She arched back again as I thrust into her. Slowly down a bit to keep the moment longer, I leaned into her to put my mouth on her neck. We were both breathing heavy now and I stayed like that as I pulled all the way out and pushed hard back into her. She had her face buried in the pillow and her hands were pushing back against the wall so she could meet my thrusts.

I picked up the pace, leaned back and with one last thrust I reached my orgasm. I collapsed down on top of her with my dick still inside and kissed her cheek.

"That was fun," she said and she smiled.


  1. Very nice. You were able to get her mind off the negative and on to the positive with your attention!


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