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A Bit of Fiction - Round One

The knock on the door, woke her up suddenly from her slumber. She was waiting in anticipation but her nerves caused her to get to the hotel long before the rendezvous was set to take place.

Angela prepped for his arrival. She wore the lingerie that she bought the week before. Lingerie that she had hidden from her husband knowing that he would be asking questions if she did not want to wear it for him.

Cheating was not something that she ever thought was a possibility until she realized that he did not really love her anymore. It was a marriage of convenience, one that she chose based on the advice of her friends and the fear of remaining alone for the rest of her life. She loved Timothy but was not in love with him, as she told her friends but they never understood. Angela grew up in a Christian family so when she talked of divorce it became a hushed conversation while doing the dishes after a family holiday meal.

Michael had shown her how to love again, even though this would be the first encounter with him, she had been texting him and exchanging sexy photographs for months now.

Every time he asked to see her for real she would immediately dismiss the thought and feel guilty about the whole thing. Then when her husband almost forgot her birthday to which Michael had sent her flowers and candies at her place of work, she decided that it was now or never.

She quickly regained her composure and got off the bed. Checking her looks in the full length mirror by the bathroom doorway, she tugged at the hem of her lingerie. Was it too short? Was it too revealing for the first meeting? She did not care at this point, she intended to have sex and that was all that mattered.

Opening the door, she could see he was a bit surprised, not only by what she was wearing but how fast she opened the door. Michael was standing there with a bottle of wine and a bottle of vodka. "Did not know what you were in the mood for," he told her.

She just grabbed his shirt and pulled him into the room letting the door shut behind them.

As soon as he was in the room she pulled him in for a kiss. He was surprised by how forward she was being and almost dropped the bottles. He struggled to put them on the table near the bed as she tried to pull off his shirt.

With the shirt stuck over his head he stumbled against her and she laughed as the both fell towards the bed. She could not believe how forward she was being, she had not had sex with another man in at least ten years, for what it was worth she had not had sex with her husband in at least ten months, but that was through no fault of her own.

Michael managed to free his head from his shirt as he pulled it up over his head. She straddled him on the bed and placed her hands on his clean shaven chest. She loved his chest more than anything since Timothy had let himself go in the past few years and the chiseled chest of his youth was starting to sag and show signs of wear.

She leaned in to whisper in his ear and he bit at her earlobe. "I want you inside me," she moaned. "I need you inside me."

"Not too fast," he replied, "let's try to savor this moment.

She lifted her head and looked right into his eyes and smiled, fuck this she thought, I need to be fucked and not savored.

Lifting up off of his waist she reached down and unbuckled his belt. The pants were off a second later and she could see the bulge of his cock barely concealed by his boxer briefs. She had seen it before in pictures but here was the real thing and it was huge.

He reached up to grabbed her breast and teased her nipple through the fabric of her shirt. She moaned as she stroked the shaft of his cock. In one swift motion she had pulled his boxers down freeing his massive member from the confines of the fabric.

Immediately she leaned down and took the head into her mouth. He tasted different then she remembered her husband, but it had been a long time. Her tongue flicked the underside of his shaft as she felt his fingers in her hair. Opening up her mouth more she pushed down further until she had half his cock in her mouth. Maybe some day she would be able to deep throat him but today it was not going to happen.

Gripping his balls in her hand she squeezed slightly as she brought her mouth back up in quicker motions. He tensed and she was worried that he would come too quickly so she slowed her pace a bit and teased the head, tasting the pre-cum on her tongue.

He leaned over and pulled her lingerie off releasing her perfect c-cups. She was proud of her 35 year old body, for the past six months she spent working out at the gym in anticipation for this very moment.

Reaching down he touched her labia which was now wetter than she could ever remember. He pushed a finger inside her and she moaned vibrating the shaft of his thick member still in her mouth.

Angela had to have him inside her right then, so move her lips away and crawled back up his body placing the head of his cock at her entrance. Slowly her wetness engulfed him and she felt fuller than she ever had in her life. Slowly she felt the full length of his shaft inside of her. She remembered an old boyfriend that had a long cock but never one this thick.

With a lustful look in her eyes she steadied herself by placing her hands back on his chest leaning slightly forward so she could feel the sensation of his body on her clit. Angela moved her hips, lifting herself up, feeling the sensation of his cock leaving her pussy.

Picking up the pace she closed her eyes and let out a moan as he reached up and squeezed her nipple. Michael could feel himself getting closer and he thrust up into her. Angela let out a little yelp feeling a bit of pain from such a large cock.

The bed was rattling now as they both moved together, harder and harder. Neither of them cared at that moment that the headboard was banging loudly into the wall. Maybe the people on the other side were enjoying the sounds.

Leaning back she put her hands on his thighs and felt him go deeper.

Michael put his arm around her waist and in one quick motion had swung her around onto the bed with him on top of her, never once did his cock leave her pussy.

Kissing her hard and deep he pushed faster and faster until he felt the familiar throb of him about to come.

Between moans she managed to say, "I want you to come inside me."

That was it, in one last push he emptied himself inside and she felt the wave of an orgasm from the sensation of his cock and they both collapsed on the bed with his full weight on top of her.

Breathing heavy, she smiled and told him, "that was fantastic." And he smiled back at her unable to speak right at that moment.

He got up and went to the bottle of vodka and fixed them both a drink.

Turning, naked and still hard, he spoke, "ready for round two?"


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