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5 Weeks Ago

My last post was 5 weeks ago and before that was even a longer dry spell... not sure why I have not been posting much these days since it is no longer because of a job. I have lots to tell and I have not been a very good blogger.

I am now sitting in a hotel room in Northern California, I am here for work not pleasure, and writing this from my somewhat comfortable bed.

So not much has really changed other then we may be moving soon, back across country, back to the snow and the nicer weather... away from the heat.

From today until my trip ends I will try to post something every night, since I have a lot of down time. If you all are still there I appreciate that you are and am sorry that I have not been very good at keeping you up to date or even very good at being up to date on the things in all of your lives.

Anyway, I dont have any excuses from this point forward... so here goes.


  1. I'm in the same boat..slack blogger here..:)

  2. Lots of us have been slacking but no worries, I'm still here whenever you're ready to write!

  3. I'm still here. I have you linked to my "invite only" blog but also started a new blog. Check it out if you have a chance


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