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Finally a Little Enjoyment

"Jeff thinks the issue with my libido is early onset menopause," was the text I received while was traveling to my next game. Jeff is my wife's wonderful therapist, who she sees pretty much every other week. I replied "you're too young for that, but does that mean you are still horny?" My brain is always in the right state of mind.
"Maybe..." was all that I got back and of course I told her I would be home as soon as I can. Not that I was desperate or anything, our last time was actually a week ago but it was brief and on a Sunday night, and was the first in almost a year. So I was looking forward to a Saturday night home alone with my wife.
Our game did not end until 5 and it was over a 2 hour drive from my home but of course I made it back in record time. We decided to eat in and watch a movie that she had rented the night before. We sat on the couch with her legs resting over my lap and my hand caressing her thighs. We both knew what was going to happen and the anticipation was incredible.

I slowly moved my hand under her loose fitting pants and moved it up and down her bare skin careful not to go above the thigh at this point. As the movie wound down I moved a little closer straightening out her leg for a little easier access.
With the credits rolling I decided to push my fingers all the way up her leg just brushing her labia gently. She let out a little moan and smiled. She was already wet.
At that point I made the comment that we should make our way to the bedroom. I wanted the night to last so I asked her if she wanted a massage. She of course said yes and I brought out the oil and a towel and had her lay down on the bed. We were still fully clothed so I lifted her shirt up and slid her pants down a bit to provide access to her bare skin to apply the oil.
Caressing her back I moved slowly down to her waist and slid her pants down further to work her butt. Deciding it was time, I removed her pants and she took her shirt off completely. My hands worked all the kinks out of her thighs and feet, as I made my way back up her body to her ass. Applying more oil I massaged her cheeks one at a time until they were glistening and slippery.
I asked her to turn over which she quickly obliged and went to work on her stomach and chest pausing to circle her nipples. My hands worked back down to her thigh as I slid one hand up to her pussy. She moaned loudly now and spread her legs slightly. My hand quickly found her clit and I began a slow rub, circling with my fingers.
Right there.. she said... Dont stop.
As she now moved her hips to my circling I brought my mouth down to her pussy and ran my tongue up and down her clit. This sent her over the edge and I slid a finger into her as my her hand spread her labia for my tongue to lick her clit. Soon she was bucking wildly grabbing my head and forcing me harder into her. Then she stopped and shuddered for a few seconds as she reached orgasm.
I sat up and positioned myself between her legs and teased her with my cock for a few seconds before slipping it into her wet pussy. Slowly I pushed in and out of her increasing the speed slightly with each thrust until I was pumping into her hard. I did not want to come fast so I slowed back down and teased her with my cock again until I was ready to start the thrusting again.
She grabbed my back and her fingers dug into my skin as I quickened the pace again. Finally I told her I was about to come and pulled out of her right as I climaxed. Amazingly I do not think I have ejaculated so much in quite some time and while I hate having to do what I did, she has been off the birth control for several months now.
After we both got cleaned up and gathered our scattered clothing we laid back down on the bed and cuddled, something we rarely do.
Later on in the night I reached over and put my hand around her and fell asleep.
I think the talk about finding my happiness and working out our issues was a good one...


  1. Maybe where you find happiness evolves as we do. It's good to know that you both enjoyed it. Talking and listening is always beneficial.

  2. I am so happy for you. That is amazing. and at the same time totally turned me on. Yes I am pathetic.
    But Im currently not getting good sex at home.

    So Ill have to live thru your experience.

    Thank you. : )


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