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A sense of Normalcy

The past two weeks have been a blur.

Work always is a little rough at the fiscal year end but this year was a bit strange because we were in the process of essentially changing companies. In addition we were also trying to renegotiate our contract with the current company and running into road blocks with the new company so needless to say I had a lot going on.

While waiting for the negotiations to finally end we had some time to do some necessary training, and that is what led to my earlier post about my motorcycle being run over and things being a little crazy. Feeling stressed I also overreacted when my wife left the hose on in the front yard and thought we had a water leak... of course I did not really know until I dug up the yard a bit, destroying some of the shrubbery in the process.

I still have yet to hear on my motorcycle, but I know it will work out in some way, so I am not too concerned with it. And I am finally back to work in my normal situation with my normal routine. I don't mind the changes from time to time but it does make things a bit more stressful. I have not had a chance to relax in more than two weeks and now finally things are back to where they were last month.

I know I promised you all some great posts and I have them ready to go... and I also promised you some great pictures, which again I have them ready to go... but I will post them over the course of the next few days to give everyone and myself time to catch up. Its been a week since I have read what you all have been doing in your lives, so I need to do that as well.

Things are still crazy at work, only because now I am playing catch up. But if they did not really miss me last week, they can wait a few more days for the work that I need to complete this week.

I am just happy to be finally getting back to normal.


  1. Sorry about the hose incident. But glad that you're getting back on track, at least somewhat.

  2. I'd be freaking out if someone ran over my motorcycle!

  3. So happy to see you back. Cant wait to see what photo you have for us next.

    Too bad your motorcycle bit the dust. You could have posed naked on it. That would have been awesome!

  4. Welcome back.
    Sorry about the motorcycle.

  5. I understand darlin....the past two weeks have been hell. Glad things are back to normal for ya.


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